Justin Bieber Death Threat on Facebook — Don’t Bring Your Concert to Peru!

has already begun his South American tour but thinks are starting to get scary! Kevin Aragon Otazu created a page on Facebook threatening to kill Justin when he performs in Peru at the National Stadium on October 17. It even has 810 “likes”!

The page’s “about” section says Jose Chavez will step up and give Justin a big push at the National Stadium. The “description” says many spectators will be lined up holding water bottles and eggs (presumably to throw at the Biebs). Then, in capital letters it says Justin Bieber you better not come to Peru, it will be the biggest regret of your life. Seriously. Under products it says “Kill Justin Bieber” candies.

Beliebers have responded in both English and Spanish, and some have even given reciprocal death threats to Kevin, saying they will kill him and make it look like an accident.

Even if the person who made this page was joking, it’s not a laughing matter, although reciprocal death threats are not the answer either. Hopefully Justin will have extra security when he goes to Peru, and will stay safe as he continues to reach his fans around the world.

Justin's instagram pictures on fan


More pictures from Justin's concert i mexico

Justin singing to "One less lonley girl" in mexico (Debahni guzman torre)

Justin's hotel room (and tweet)

Justin tourbus

Pictures from Justin's concert in Mexico last night ! "my world tour"

The girl Justin was looking for was "the one less lonley girl" at Justins concert last night in Mexico !

Justin Tweets That He’s Gearing Up For Touring Again — Get Ready Beliebers!

Justin is keeping his 12,619,966 Twitter followers in the know about what he’s up to, as usual, and there are about to be thousands less “lonely girls” in Mexico and S. America! Read what he tweeted!

@justinbieber tweeted: “back in the studio putting the finishing touches on this christmas album and getting the tour stuff together.”

Sweden is still waiting for you Justin !!!

Justin meets Japanese students affected by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami at the U.S. ambassador's residence on May 18, 2011 in Tokyo, Japan.

Justin uppe tidigt i Tokyo För Tv pogram !;D

Justin på presskonferens i Manila

Justin on Zoo in Melbourne

Justin Want to go to Japan anyway

Two upcoming Justin Bieber concerts in Japan could be in jeopardy because of the star's crew members, many of which are refusing to visit the country.

Fearing radiation and cancer risk from the recent nuclear disaster, and/or another earthquake, much of the crew wants out of the May 17 and 19 shows.

Scooter Braun, Justin's manager, is not pleased about this ...

I Can't Hear You...

Today in Adelaide, Australia, Braun reportedly exploded at the crew, telling them all to "Man the f**k up and do the right thing by these kids."

Members of the crew fired back at Bieber's manager, saying it wasn't safe and that Avril Lavigne and Slash had canceled their Japan concerts.

Scooter said Justin did not want to disappoint ticket-holders and that the Japanese government gave the "all clear" to visit Osaka and Tokyo.

Braun noted that Maroon 5 is still on for its upcoming Japanese concerts, but for now, there's a stalemate, and the Bieber shows are in limbo

Read more celebrity gossip at: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/#ixzz1LVRuvzYE

On the road with Justin

Haha Look at 01.45 =D LOL

Justin lämnar Australien

Justin lider av svåra ryggsmärtor ,Stjärnan pinade sig igenom konsert i Australien

Justin struntade inte i de uppträdanden(så klart inte ) han skulle hålla i Australien den här veckan, trots att han lider av svåra smärtor efter att ha skadat ryggen i en olycka.

Den 17-åriga sångaren landade i Brisbane i tisdags, där han skulle uppträda senare samma kväll, och såg ut att lida av smärtor under ankomsten då han höll sig om ryggen när han gick av planet.

Justin berättade senare för fansen via Twitter att han, som en följd av smärtorna, hade blivit tvungen att ta en vilopaus på hotellet.

— 24 timmars resande – helt galet. Ryggen är förstörd, men vi är på bra humör. Vi klarade det äntligen. Australien, vi är här. Jag har smärtor i ryggen och måste vila, ryggen tar livet av mig, skrev han.

Vi får hoppas att ryggsmärtorna lindras så att sångaren obehindrat kan glädjas över att få spela in en film tillsammans med Oscarsnominerade Mark Wahlberg senare i år.

— Justin Bieber och jag ska göra en film tillsammans. Vi håller på att skapa den tillsammans. Ja, vi ska göra den hos Paramount. Vi har pitchat idén och pratat med honom (Bieber red.anm.) om att göra den, och han älskar idén, sade Mark tidigare.

— Han har skickat mig videor. Han skickade också en video med sig själv, och ja, jag tycker att han har talang, fortsatte han.

Justin anläder i Sydney Australien

One Less Lonely Girl [Brisbane] 26 april

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