Justin Bieber Death Threat on Facebook — Don’t Bring Your Concert to Peru!

Justin has already begun his South American tour but thinks are starting to get scary! Kevin Aragon Otazu created a page on Facebook threatening to kill Justin when he performs in Peru at the National Stadium on October 17. It even has 810 “likes”!
The page’s “about” section says Jose Chavez will step up and give Justin a big push at the National Stadium. The “description” says many spectators will be lined up holding water bottles and eggs (presumably to throw at the Biebs). Then, in capital letters it says Justin Bieber you better not come to Peru, it will be the biggest regret of your life. Seriously. Under products it says “Kill Justin Bieber” candies.
Beliebers have responded in both English and Spanish, and some have even given reciprocal death threats to Kevin, saying they will kill him and make it look like an accident.
Even if the person who made this page was joking, it’s not a laughing matter, although reciprocal death threats are not the answer either. Hopefully Justin will have extra security when he goes to Peru, and will stay safe as he continues to reach his fans around the world.