Top 10 Shirtless Twilight Stars: Robert Pattinson
9. Taylor Lautner in 'GQ.' For someone with such a famous chest, Taylor is pretty shy about taking off his shirt for the camera. Luckily, he has left a few shirtless scraps for us to ogle.
8. Ashley Greene for SoBe. Hey, it isn't just the boys who take off their shirts: Ashley appeared completely nude (except for some pink body paint) for an ad for SoBe.
7. Kellan Lutz in loincloth for 'Immortals.' The hotness of Kellan with no shirt on is paired with the un-hotness of a gold and red loincloth with embroidered swirls. Still, we aren't complaining.
6. Alex Meraz on a balcony. For some reason, Alex forgot his shirt when he decided to check out the paparazzi below his hotel room in Los Angeles. Now if only he could forget his shirt while walking around in public, doing press for 'Eclipse,' and just hanging out in general.
5. Want to know a good way to increase shirtless hotness? Multiple it by four. The shirtless, jorts-wearing boys of the 'New Moon' wolf pack know this.
4. Jackson Rathbone in 'Hurt.' There's no better accessory for shirtless-ness than a soulful smile. It is good that shirtless dudes like Jackson realize this.
3. Alex Meraz pre-'New Moon.' What? Are you complaining about seeing Alex shirtless again? We didn't think so. Alex shows off his ability to look brooding while shirtless even before his 'New Moon' fame.
2. Kellan Lutz for Calvin Klein. Curse the executives at Calvin Klein who thought it would be a good idea to place the letter "x" over Kellan's chiseled torso! That's it–we are banning the letter "x" from our lives, forever. We'll just spell "xylophone" with a "z" like the gods intended.
1. Taylor Lautner in 'New Moon.' Naturally we had to put our dear Taylor at number one for his daring shirtless performance in 'New Moon.' Not only did it make Taylor a star, it also launched the phenomenon known as Team Jacob vs. Team Edward, the bloodiest battle between teenage girls since the days of 'Nsync vs. The Backstreet Boys.