Justin Bieber - Den nya kungen av pop?
Ända sedan Micheal Jackson gick bort har det funnits en ledig plats för en ny stjärna att fylla hans plats som popkung. Även om någon kommer att kunna ersätta hans plats så tror vi att det i alla fall är någon som tävlar om att få ta över titeln "kungen av pop"! Justinbieber får hela scenen att glöda när han uppträder! Spana bara in de här bilerna på honom
Ever since Michael Jackson went away, there has been a vacancy for a new star to fill his place as popkung. Even if someone will be able to replace his spot, we believe that in all cases is someone who compete to take over the title "King of Pop"! Justin Bieber, the whole scene to glow when he performs! Check out just in the here pictures on him :D
Ever since Michael Jackson went away, there has been a vacancy for a new star to fill his place as popkung. Even if someone will be able to replace his spot, we believe that in all cases is someone who compete to take over the title "King of Pop"! Justin Bieber, the whole scene to glow when he performs! Check out just in the here pictures on him :D