Bigger picture<3

Justin and Selena on a dejt in Maui, Hawaï

Jelena Video in Hawaii
Cute picture of Jelena

Justin and Selena's Hotel

Jelena in a tropical garden, Maui (Hawaii)

Go Justin and Selena ! <3

New pictures ! They are so CUTE !!<3

New tattoo ? ! or fake picture ?

More pictures from hawaii

haha Who is Selena checking in?

More pictures on hawaii

Justin and Selena on the way to the beach, Hawaii

Justin and Selena on the beach

Justin and Selena åker parachute , Hawaï

Justin et Selena åker jet ski, Hawaï

Justin and selena at a restaurant in Maui, Hawaii

Justin and Selena Gomez arrivent airport Los Angeles, Californie

Justin and Selena on Hawaii ! <3

Justin och selena Åkte på en semester till Hawaii <3
After a PDA-filled night at the Billboard Music Awards Sunday, Justin and Selena Gomez departed for a romantic getaway Monday to Hawaii. How adorable!
Shortly after landing in paradise, the couple checked into their hotel and hit the beach. Justin, in board shorts, and Selena, in a fuchsia bikini were hand in hand as their entourage followed behind in tow as they took a stroll to the sand.
So glad that the Biebs and Gomez are getting a chance to relax together.Both have been working nonstop, and we love that they are becoming more open with their relationship without giving too much away.
OMB Look at his BODY !
And Look at his new Tattoo :