Nwe picture of Justin , Selena and Ther Friends
Justin and Selena in a Amusement Park<3
Justin on Selenas Concert !
New picture on Justin and Selena in Philadelphia ! ( why do he have that haircut ? )
Justin Visits Selena In Philadelphia, Kisses Her And Calls Her His ‘Baby’!!!!
Mega-heartthrob, Justin B doesn’t let distance keep him from being close to girlfriend Selena ! Spotted visiting her in Philadelphia the day before her scheduled tour date, he’s not shy to tweet their love for the world to see!
To be young, rich and totally in love! Justin and Selena are completely devoted to one another and today Justin couldn’t help but tweet a photo of them cuddling together. There was no second guessing where Justin was headed when a fellow passenger tweeted about spotting the super-celeb on a flight bound for Newark, NJ! And sure enough he ended up in Philadelphia where Selena is scheduled to have a concert tomorrow night. He’s so addicted to her!
While most young celebrity couples try to keep their relationships under wraps, Justin and Selena have surrendered to the public’s prying eye and are giving everyone what they want, PDA 24/7! Shortly after landing and en route to see Selena, Justin’s bodyguard, Kenny Hamilton, tweeted a pic of a Philadelphia landmark tipping every Bieber-obsessed fan that he was on his way to reunite with his lady love . Soon, Justin posted a totally heart melting pic of the pair at a pool party on his Instagram account with the caption, “My babbyyyy.”
For anyone who still isn’t a “Belieber” it wasn’t just a publicity stunt. Shorty after Justin uploaded the photo, another party goer and friend of the couple, Katelyn Clampett, caught Justin giving Selena a big kiss on the cheek in the background of her own Instagram pic with Kenny.
And a one more new picture !
Justin och Selena Invited To Kim Kardashian’s Wedding
“I know Jennifer Lopez and Justin Bieber are invited. Selena Gomez was invited, too but she is performing in New Jersey on the day of the wedding so she can’t go,” a source tells RadarOnline.
Other guests include Kanye West, Jay-Z and Beyonce, Will and Jada Pinkett Smith and, obviously, Kim’s famous sisters.
This certainly puts to rest any doubt Kim’s wedding would not be an over the top spectacle, but do you think Justin will go without Selena
Haha naked statues of Justin and Selena!
Aftonbladet skriver :
Aftonbladet: / Det tror jag inte ett skit på
Selena dumpar Bieber
Tål inte hans nya värsting- polare
HOLLYWOOD. Hollywoods hetaste tonårsförälskelse kan vara över.
Brittiska The Sun rapporterar att Selena Gomez, 19, gjort slut med Justin Bieber, 17.
Han dumpades för att hon inte tålde hans nya bästisar, värstingarna Chris Brown, Sean Kingston och Lil Wayne.
Selena gick i taket när Justin i förra veckan släpade med Kingston, en före detta inbrottstjuv, till hennes gig i Florida.
Hamnade i stort gräl
Det har heller inte hjälpt att Justin räknar den före detta fängelsedömde Lil Wayne till sin inre krets och har släppt en låt med Chris Brown, som åkte dit för att ha misshandlat Rihanna.
– Hon ville inte att han skulle dyka upp på spelningen på det sättet. De storgrälade om det och sa att det var bra att de var på skilda håll medan hon är ute på turné, säger en uppgiftslämnare i tidningen.
Justin i tårar
Redan nästa dag skapade Justin och Sean hysteri när de gled genom Miami i en Rolls-Royce cabriolet.
En av Selenas kompisar uppger att hon såg Justin i tårar under grälet med sångerskan.
– Det är jobbigt att se en liten 17-åring gråta och höra att han älskar henne, säger uppgiftslämnaren.
Justin and Selena out and Shopping in NYC June 28
Justin in Selenas We Own The Night: 1st Show! backstage !
You can't click but you can find the video over this picture
Justin and Selena goes different ways
Justin Back in Canada
Justin tweet : #Good to be back in Canada
And Selena is back on Tour !
Justin and Selena on her Birthday <3
Justin is not afraid to throw some money around for Selena
Selena celebrated her 19th birthday on July 22, and Justinnot only took her on an incredible day of dates, but took her shopping at Disneyland as well!
Justin went with his sweetie to the Anahein, Calif. park for an intense spree. He spared no expense .
After shopping they spent some quality time together in the park, the Daily Mail reports.
Justin in Selenas who says video ?
Picture of Jelena on Selenas Bday
Justin's Happy Bday to Selena <3
First He tweeted “Happy bday baby” and this picture
Then Justin deleted and write :
ANd this is a picture of them on her Bday
Justin not invited to Selena's birthday party
Justin Drives Selena Around LA After Rehearsal!
Justin really is obsessed with his Selena! Look how
adorable they were driving together in Los Angeles July 20!
Selena is mad at work on her tour, which begins this Sunday ,
and her Justin is supporting her all the way! Justin showed up
outside Selena’s studio after rehearsal July 20 to give her a lift in his white SUV.
Justin and Selena was then photographed driving through
Los Angeles and Justin looked pleased as punch with
Selena by his side. Selena’s birthday is in two days. Originally, she said´Justin
wasn’t going to make it to her birthday bash — but from the looks of it, plans changed!
Justin and Selena meet in LA
Justin and Selena -- Malibu WEDDING Crashers
Click on the picture to Watch the Video !
Or this Link --> http://www.tmz.com/videos?autoplay=true&mediaKey=07200560-b78f-47dc-a09b-34258735e9b5
Justin and Selena turned a ritzy Malibu beach wedding into a ritzy and AWESOME Malibu beach wedding by crashing the event ... and TMZ has video of them kicking it with the bride and groom.
According to our sources at Rob and Jeanine McCool's wedding ... Bieber and Gomez were strolling on the beach when they heard Justin's hit "One Less Lonely Girl" playing at the reception -- inside the historic and shi shi Adamson House.
We're told Justin snuck up on some guests -- who predictably OMG'd and LOL'd -- and then hopped on the mic, saying ... "We just crashed it. We heard a party so we decided to just come. So let's party."
Beibs and Selena only stayed for about 10 minutes to pose for pics -- including some with the happy couple -- and then bolted.
Picture from the same night
More from Karaoke Night <3